Monday, December 21, 2020

Baked Tofu

 I originally found this at and then I started searching around for other baked tofu.  I think this would be way easier and less messy than fried tofu.  After looking at several recipes this is what I came up with.

-extra firm tofu
-2T soy sauce
-2t rice wine vinegar
-1/2t garlic powder
-1/2t sesame oil

- Preheat over to 400F
- Cut tofu into bite-sized cubes. 
- Press liquid out of tofu. (Put tofu between paper towels or kitchen towels and set a cutting board on it)
- Mix marinade in a bowl.
- Put tofu in the marinade mixture and toss to coat.
- Spread on parchment covered cookie sheet.
- Bake 20-30min.  Turn half way through.

Tuesday, December 15, 2020

Wedding Soup

 Ok this recipe is too easy and I am just putting it here for my family to use later.

garlic (I forget to add or don't have)
store-bought meatballs
Chicken broth or water and chicken bullion
onion powder
garlic powder
small pasta
spinach or kale

- Dice up onion and carrots.  Throw them in the pot with a splash of oil so they can start sauteing up.
- Then add in the celery and garlic.
- Cut meatball in half or quarters and throw those in the pot.  Saute everything around.
- Add chicken broth or (water and bullion) to the pot, along with the rest of the spices.
- Bring to a low boil and throw in 7-8oz of small pasta.  Cook according to pasta instructions.
- Optional you can drop 1-2 beaten eggs in.
- Add spinach or kale.

Beef Jerky

We had deer meat and I needed to find a jerky marinade.  I found this one and have used it twice and love it.  It is located here  And they found it here

Note this produced ~1/2c of marinade.  Use ~1/2c marinade per lb of meat.

1-2lb thinly cut meat
1/4c soy sauce
2T Worcestershire sauce
2T liquid smoke
1/2t-1t molasses (recipe called for 2T brown sugar)
2t garlic salt (recipe called for salt)
1t black pepper
1t garlic powder
1t onion powder
1t smoked paprika
1/4-1/2t cayenne

consider adding pink curing salt at 1t per5lb of meat or a shy 1/4t per lb

*optional 1t meat tenderizer (I didn't use it because I didn't have it)

- Place thinly cut meat in a container
-Combine other ingredients and stir.
- Pour over meat.  Stir the meat around to ensure it is evenly coated.
- Cover and marinate for 12-36hrs.  Mix serval times to ensure a thorough coating.
- Spread in a single layer on the dehydrator trays.
- Dry at 165F for 6-10hrs.  Properly dried jerky will crack when bent but not break.

Tip: if you are having problems slicing the meat then freeze it for 30min.