Sunday, March 17, 2019

Cornbread masa

I bought a 5lb bag of instant masa corn flour and didn't realize that it wasn't like regular corn meal.  So I decided to make cornbread with it.

It was the best corn bread I have ever had.

I found the recipe at

1.5c masa flour
1/2c flout
2t baking powder
1t salt
1scant T sugar (whatever sweetness)
2T + 2T butter room temp
2 eggs
1.5c milk

-Preheat oven to 425F
-Melt 2T of butter into the cast iron pan.
-Mix dry ingredients.
-Mash 2T of butter into dry ingredients.
-Add eggs and enough milk to make a batter (around 1.5c, takes more than reg cornmeal).
-Spread melted butter around skillet and sides.
-Bake 20-25min at 425F until brown around edges and light brown on top.
-Flip out of pan if you want to keep the bottom crust crisp.

Friday, March 15, 2019

Chicken Breeds

I have been researching what chicken breeds I would like to start with.  I am interested in 4-6 birds.

I am leaning to
Production Red (aka Red Sex Links, Golden Comets)
+best egg laying 250-300.  15wks
+gentle quite
+excellent feed to egg conversion ratio
+lay in winter
-aren't very friendly

Easter Egger, Ameraucana Araucana


Plymoth Rock
+250 18-22wks
+sweet friendly