Thursday, September 5, 2013

Messenger Bag Tutorial

I found this great tutorial for a messenger bag at  I would like to copy the information here for fear that when I get around to trying to make this that I won't find the instructions again :(

When and if I make this I will update the instructions/pics, but full credit should go to Alida Makes  I found link on Frugal by Choice, Cheap by Necessity blog on her Homemade Mondays

The below is copied from Alida Makes blog.

Here is what you will need for this project:
-One piece of outer fabric and one piece of lining fabric 42'' by 16'' (this will be the body of the bag)
-Outer fabric 41'' by 8'' (this will be the strap)***Since everyone is different shapes and sizes please take a tape measure and double check the length here. Make sure you add a half inch to your desired length for a seam allowance.****
Outer fabric 11'' by 7'' (this will be the front pocket)
Outer fabric OR lining fabric 21'' by 11'' (this will be the inner pocket. I used outer fabric for this tutorial so it would be easy to see, but either is fine.)
-JEANS NEEDLE! This is a must.
-Two magnetic straps
Plastic grid 10''X 2'' (found in the embroidery section of the craft store)
*If you use sturdy home decor fabric for the outer layer you probably won't need batting. But if you are using something more flimsy such as cotton quilting fabric you will want to cut a piece of batting to the same measurements as the body of the bag.*
 Lay the bag body pieces out one on top of the other. Measure 13'' down and 2'' in and cut the pieces out on either side. *If you're using batting repeat this step with the batting.* That will create the FLAP PIECE. Then measure 1.5'' down and 1.5'' in from the top corners of the LINING fabric and mark it. Install the magnetic snaps on both sides there using the package's instructions. (Make sure you only poke through the lining fabric!)
 Fold the bag up like the picture above (you should still have both layers of fabric). Mark where the snaps hit the front of the bag and install the other end of your snaps there on the OUTER fabric.
 Now we're going to sew the pocket on! Take your pocket piece and either A) serge all the way around or B) fold each side down 1/4'' and press and then repeat. Hem the top of the pocket.

Then pin the pocket to the bag 3'' from the top edge as shown below. Top stitch around both sides and the bottom.
 Now take the inner pocket fabric and repeat what you did before, only hem the both short ends. **DISCLAIMER** please forgive the horrible lines on the next picture, I don't have fancy software to draw the straight lines so this was free-hand!

 Put the pocket piece on the lining piece on the bottom part, not the FLAP PIECE. You can center it if you like but you don't have to. I made mine so that one side was higher (and the pocket therefor deeper) than the other. Pin the pocket piece on. Now fold the lining piece so that the bottom of the bag body piece meets the bottom of the flap piece and press. Your crease is your guideline for the image above. Measure one inch to the right of the center and one inch to the left of the center and mark the pocket piece all the way across with your chalk. Then mark where you want to separate your pockets. Sew on the lines you marked like the diagram above. 
WHEW! I hope that wasn't too confusing. Now take your strap piece and fold and press it in half lengthwise. Now open it up and press each side into the middle crease like so:
 Now fold that in half and press:
 Now you should have a long tube. Unfold it quickly and press down each short end 1/4'', then fold it all back together and topstitch all the way around. You now have a strap!
 Now it's time to make a bag sandwich. Put your bag pieces together, right sides facing, and sew all the way around, leaving a 3 inch hole to pull it right side out when you're done. *If you're using batting put the batting on top of the bag sandwich before sewing.* Clip the corners. Then turn the bag body right side out and press
 Now topstitch all the way around. If you used batting stitch it 1/4'' all the way around, if you didn't use batting stitch as close to the edge as you can.
Now fold the bag inside out and stitch up the sides as shown above. Press the seams out.
Fold the corners down and press. Take a ruler and measure 2 inches across the corner and mark that with your chalk. You can do one of two things here. You can either serge across that line or simply sew and leave the corner on, it's up to you. When you're done it should look like this:
Repeat with the other corner. You're almost done! Now sew your strap to the top of the side creases like so:

Make sure you reinforce it with an "X" in the middle. WOO HOO!!! Only one more step!

If you weren't too confused by the inner pocket instructions this next part should work: turn your bag inside out and slide your plastic grid in the pocket at the bottom of your bag.
 And now you just put your stuff in.
 ***I have to give credit to Sew Christine, the technique of sewing the inside pocket is totally hers. Here is her awesome easy Nappy Bag Tutorial.***

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